At Moon, we transform ideas into bold new ventures and provide the resources and expertise to light the way to a more creative future.

We asked our community of Moon Mates how they would describe Moon in their own words...

“A place to unlock creativity, and a hub to turn this creativity into positive impact for the world.” Subaru Wong Interaction Designer

“A door for me to explore a whole new world of startup culture and entrepreneurship, and a mirror for me to reflect on who I am in a big corporation like Mitsui.” Feng Liang Program Manager

”居場所 Where you belong and feel comfortable and happy.” Yui Aiyama Design Researcher

“The place where dreams become reality through the power of community. Moon will push you to think bigger, see more and challenge everything.” Kyra Yamamoto Senior Marketing Lead

“A collection of people following an aspirational system — we have a common goal of forming new businesses from the fertile soil of Mitsui.” Matt Phillips Engineer

“The light in the dark that will navigate and highlight you.” Kaichi Yokoyama President & CEO

“I would like to think of Moon as the “Creative Engine” for Japan. To me, Moon can be the symbol for all of Japan — the magic that happens when you bring the agility and boldness of the startup world, with the craftsmanship and precision of Japan.” Mike Peng Chief Creative Officer

“Moon represents an exciting opportunity to work with talent across Silicon Valley and Japan (and Asia more generally) to build interesting ventures and bridges across cultures. It's also a chance to test a unique thesis - can a traditional Japanese corporation work hand-in-hand with international entrepreneurial talent to build something impactful?” Kenneth Jeng Program Manager

“Opportunities for new challenges!” Ryoji Mitsuhashi Director of Marketing & Communications

“A place that bridges cultures and new opportunities.” Ted Ko Director of Product Management

“A great opportunity for me to improve my user testing capabilities and create products that better fit what is human–centric.” Sharon Peng Senior UX/UI Designer

“Opportunity.” Signe Jacobsen Senior People Experience Designer

“A new beginning where I get to explore my passion for helping others but also be able to learn more about the venture world.” Isabel Lee Software Engineer

“Totally new challenge in my career.” Miki Yamada Senior Operations Designer

“A tremendous opportunity.” Bryan Ma Full Stack Software Developer

“A bright light trying to do something no one else has done before. We are trying to create a meaningful impact through our daily work and through remodeling the Mitsui mindset.” Monique Riley HR Associate

“Hope and possibility for change.” Tsubasa Ishiyama SMAP Lead

“A place of constant challenges; full of excitement and joy. Moon will never let you sit back.” Takashi Ishikawa Global Head of Finance

“Round shape light, always shines in the night.” Lung-Tsai Liu Communication Designer

“A place where people of Mitsui can get a taste of creating and owning their own business ideas.
" Pei-Han Lim Program Designer