
Reflections from our Chief Creative Officer

Dear Reader,


If you would have told me a year ago that I would be writing this welcome letter for the Moon Annual Report from my backyard, in sweatpants, with my dog, Finn, on my lap, I would have said you’re totally crazy! I’m sure to most of us, this year has felt relentless and frustrating — missed celebrations, unpredictable circumstances, overall anxiety. But my guess is if we each did some deep self-reflection, we would realize that even through all this craziness, we may have all learned something new about who we are and who we want to be. I know I sure have.

And this brings me to this year’s Moon Annual Report. A team of us have been thinking about how to best approach this year’s Annual Report since it’s been such an unconventional year. Just featuring numbers and statistics didn’t feel like they would capture the true essence of what this year has been all about. For all of us at Moon, this year has showcased two very important themes: resilience and humanity.

Mike Peng

Even through the pandemic, Moon was able to hire 26 amazing full-time talents AND help support 20+ ventures in our portfolio — all virtually! And because we were unable to work with each other in-person, we really took one of our core Moon Values, “Be Human-Centered” to heart. We continually asked ourselves: How might we be even more human-centered than we were pre-pandemic?

In this year’s Annual Report, we hope you will enjoy reading stories about Moon, our community, our ventures and our shared experiences from this year that will shape our future. You’ll hear updates directly from our Moon Mates and Entrepreneurs-in-Residence in their own words and learn about what exciting things are to come.

It’s been a long year, but not without a lot of progress to share. We can’t wait for travel to open up so we can see each other again in person, but until then, stay safe, stay resilient, and most importantly, stay human.


Yours truly,


Mike Peng